
Pieter Zijlmans MSc MRICS VRT

Pieter Zijlmans MSc MRICS VRT

Pieter Zijlmans is a specialist in fixed asset valuations which covers a broad range of applications including: insurance placement values, financial reporting, tax purposes, fixed asset leases, restructuring, acquisitions, and divestitures. He has assisted clients with IFRS 3, SFAS 141, SFAS 142, and original and replacement cost analysis of personal property.

He has experience with a wide variety of industries including but not limited to: industrial products, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, communications, entertainment, consumer products, automotive, aerospace, and high-tech. He has performed valuation services since 2004 for companies with facilities across Europe, the Americas, Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Before starting an independent valuation advisory practice, Pieter was VP at Marsh, Director at Kroll and Manager at Duff & Phelps.

He is a Registered Valuer of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) where he co-chairs the Machinery and Business Assets committee in the Netherlands. He also is a Register-Taxateur VRT.

Pieter has a Masters degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands and studied Business Economics at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands.